The 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICoEngTech) 2023 is a conference organized by Faculty of Electronic Engineering & Technology, UniMAP in collaboration with Center of Excellence for Advanced Computing (AdvComp), Computing Group of Centre of Excellence for Sport Engineering Research Center (SERC) and Centre of Excellence for Micro System Technology (MICTEC). It aims to bring together researchers and professionals from the academic, industrial and public sectors in the context of multi and inter-disciplinary forum and discussions on Engineering and Technology. This conference will provide an excellent opportunity of knowledge sharing and research ideas exchange in the abovementioned disciplines for a better quality of life to meet future challenges. This conference is open to all researchers, postgraduates and post-doctoral students from all over the world. The key benefit that can be achieved by the participants is that all accepted papers will be published in Scopus proceeding.
All accepted and presented papers will be published in Scopus-indexed journal - Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology